Transitional Literature Series
Join the Transnational Literature Series at Brookline Booksmith for an in-store event with writers ’Pemi Aguda, Keith Jones, and Enzo Silon Surin to discuss and celebrate the release of the latest issue of Transition Magazine on Species and Ghostroots.
The latest issue of Transition: The Magazine of Africa and the Diaspora's focus is Species. Species builds on the previous issue Climate by tracking the intimate relationship of the Diaspora to all forms of life. Among the relationships considered in this issue are those imposed on Africans as a result of the atrocities of Middle Passage (and racialized chattel slavery) as well as practices and relationships that grow from–and resist–those atrocities. In addition to many essays, and an interview with artist Kapwani Kiwanga, remarkable fiction and poetry also address the issue’s themes, including the opening poems by Enzo Silon Surin as well as stunning contributions from Keith Jones, among others.